Online Yarn Calculator

Tired of trying to figure out the yarn number equivalents or looking for your yarn meter? Try this out! Enter the known yarn number that is in the yellow highlighted area and press the ENTER or the TAB key. You will then see the equivalent number in the other yarn counts across the same row. Column one is for Cotton Count, column 2 is Denier and so forth.  You can only change the numbers in yellow.

if you can't view the excel sheet below, click on this link: Yarn Calculator and download a copy onto your computer.

Yarn Notes: In Cotton, Worsted, Wool, Linen, and Dewsbury Counts, the higher the number the thinner the yarn. In Denier, Metric, Decitex and Tex the higher the number, the thicker the yarn. Also, a rule of thumb is that a high bulk acrylic is usually 2 counts thicker than a regular acrylic. Acrylic is usually in the worsted count, cotton in cotton count and nylon in denier.  For more information about yarn numbering and yarns in general check out the Hosiery 101 class!