Manufacturer Area

Find information about manufacturers database registration, manufacturer's website, NAHM forms, etc.

Supplier Area

Find information about supplier database, supplier websites, and suppliers database registration.

Retail/Government Buyer

Valuable resource for entreprenuers, retail and or government product buyer

Do you need to know which sock or sheer manufacturer makes what products?  How about the latest fashion trends in footwear or information on the history of hosiery? This site is dedicated to providing information about USA legwear manufacturer.  You will find:

Click on the area of your interest, and began increasing your LEGWEAR knowledge!



  • Hosiery 101-102 class

    Hosiery 101/102


    The Hosiery 101/102 course covers the basics of hosiery knitting, dyeing, finishing, and testing quality of the manufacturing process.The Hosiery 101/102 course is intended for all types of people involved with the Hosiery Industry: buyers, retailers, suppliers, schedulers, supervisors, quality control, personnel, designers, and new employees.

  • Virtual Hosiery 101-102 class

    Hosiery 101/102

    Virtual classroom

    This virtual Hosiery 101/102 course covers the basics of hosiery knitting, dyeing, finishing, and testing quality of the manufacturing process.The Hosiery 101/102 course is intended for all types of people involved with the Hosiery Industry: buyers, retailers, suppliers, schedulers, supervisors, quality control, personnel, designers, and new employees.

  • M1 Stoll Training

    M1 Stoll Training

    Flatbed Knitting and M1 Plus Programming Training

    Stoll USA and the Manufacturing Solutions Center have teamed up to provide Flatbed Knitting and M1 Plus Programming Training to interested parties! The Training Courses will be structured around the Individual needs of the attendees

  • Santoni Seamless Training


    Seamless Santoni Training

    Depending on customer's needs, we can create a custom course to cover a range of topics/skills including: machine mechanics/components, machine interface operation, maintenance, programming and designing, yarn setup, yarn choices, garment construction, garment/fabric finishing, etc…

  • Legwear Development for Entrepreneur

    Legwear Development

    Legwear Development for Entrepreneur

    This two-day opportunity will educate you about the product that you wish to build your business around. You will have access to one on one counseling from our staff with over a combined 150 years of manufacturing experience. Lastly, if your company is ready for a manufacturer we will discuss sourcing your product with you.

  • In-Plant Training

    In-Plant Training

    From basic knitting to programming

    We do in-plant training of knitting fixers and knitters. We stay current on the latest technology in the hosiery industry. We train from basic knitting to programming of knitting machines specializing in Lonati and Ange. Call 1-336-963-28323 or send Rick Small email for details.

  • Business Incubation Opportunity

    Business Startup Opportunity

    Are YOU ready to be your OWN boss?

    We are looking for a few individuals with a burning desire to control their own destiny, help create jobs and make a difference in their community.

Our Newest Web Member