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Manhattan Hosiery Inc.

172 Classon Ave
172 Classon Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11205

Phone:  718-783-1300      Fax:  718-789-8420

Contact(s): Title
Jack Rochlitz Owner
Sales Contact(s): Title
Sandy Sales
Purchasing Contact(s): Title
Leah Spitz buyer

Business Types: Socks, Sheer Hosiery, Branded Products
Distribution Channels: Wholesale, Retail
Minimum Products Sold:   50 Dozen
Products Sold:   Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls', Toddlers', Infants', Medical, Panties, Athletic, Sports Specific, Performance, Casual, Dress, Outdoor, Boot Socks, Trouser, Logo, Knee High, Over the Calf, Mid Calf, Anklet, Crew, Quarter, Footie, Cushion Sole, Normal Terry, Ladys' Hosiery, Sheer, Opaque, Gripper Sole
Yarns Used:   Cotton, Acrylic, Spandex, Wool, Nylon, Polyester
Knitting Equipment:  


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